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February 13, 2015

How Brick and Mortar Stores Can Take Advantage of Webrooming

Brick and mortar stores are faced with fierce competition from online retailers. I’m sure you’re aware of Showrooming, where a customer checks out an item in a physical store and then goes online to make the actual purchase. Usually because they can get a better price.

This can also work the other way. Consider Webrooming, where a customer learns about an item online but then goes to a traditional brick and mortar store to make the actual purchase. This has brought the opportunity back to the traditional retailer.

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The Hidden Cost of Bringing the Internet Into the Fitting Room

As long as I have been working with fitting room technology, there has been an ever present din. More than a din actually- it’s a compulsion. Technologists are compelled to turn the living room into a fitting room and the fitting room into the living room.

The agreed upon method for making that fitting room into a living room is to bring in as much of the desktop computer e-commerce experience as possible.

Hyberbole aside, there is just something about the fitting room that makes an easy target for the web experience. Technologists that haven’t spent much time in the environment have some things to consider. That is what I will be exploring here.

I will put it bluntly:

As retailers, we need to keep these two things as separate as possible. Here are three reasons why.

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The Best Time to Promote Your Customer Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty programs are undeniably powerful, a surefire way to increase sales. But it’s tricky to get customers to part with personal information, even when the loyalty program comes with perks.

Many businesses choose the point of sale as the time to introduce customer loyalty programs, but in fact by this point most customers have made up their minds about what they want and just want to complete their transactions and leave the store as quickly as possible.

Could you be underestimating the importance of your fitting rooms? Did you know that your customers are at their most receptive to promotions, including customer loyalty programs, while in the fitting room?

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However, in the fitting room a customer has a reason to be receptive; the typically substantial discounts many customer loyalty programs offer them. This is important because in order for your customer loyalty programs to be effective, not only do they need to be compelling, but you need to offer them to your customers when they’re most receptive.

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How to Increase Retail Apparel Conversion: Turning Shoppers Into Customers

It’s a familiar scene in any retail apparel store: A potential customer walks through the door or into a department, perhaps because a display item caught their eye, or maybe as a result of online research they completed before coming to the store. They look more closely at the item, check the price, and then start looking for their size. The sales associate approaches and asks, “Can I help you find anything?

This is just one of the many opportunities to encourage the try-on. At that moment, the sales associate will hear either “No thanks, I’m just looking.” or “Yes, do you have this shirt in a medium?” By getting them in the door you are ahead of the game; however, there are many more chances for that shopper to walk away empty-handed.

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But you already knew that, didn’t you? To drive sales, we need to answer these questions:

  • How can we convert that prospect from someone who is “just looking” into a paying customer?
  • What strategies do successful, top-tier retailers employ to keep prospects in the store until they make a final purchase decision?

In most cases, a relatively serious sales floor shopper will find their size and head for the fitting room to see how that medium-sized shirt fits them.

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