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fitting room who and what mystery resolved

The “Who” and “What” Fitting Room Mystery Solved

As a retail apparel company, your list of priorities needs to stay consistent from day-to-day.

  • You need to promote your products effectively so you can increase in-store traffic.
  • You need to ensure your sales associates practice exceptional customer service on the sales floor to improve the customer experience.
  • And, above all, you need to do whatever is necessary to drive shoppers to the fitting room in your store.

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Keyboard to the Car: Buying Online, Picking-Up in the Store

Has your clothing company recently launched a Buy Online, Pickup in Store policy? Has this idea proven itself to be an inspiration or an impediment?

Buy Online, Pickup In-Store: The BOPIS Strategy

It is such a simple idea: sync inventories to networks and search engines, provide consumers with virtual shopping carts and then let them reap the rewards of online shopping and in-store pickups.

Convenience serves as the cornerstone of this next-generation marketing.

The Buy Online, Pickup In-Store (BOPIS) strategy promises to be the salvation of retailers – and with good reason. It delivers undeniable value to customers, and this translates to stronger sales and improved relationships.

Despite the appeal of next-day delivery, the physical store still bests the online model by delivering what consumers value above all else — instant ownership – Lee Peterson, executive vice president of Brand, Strategy & Design at WD Partners.

Nothing is perfect, however, and BOPIS is no exception. Challenges counter every advantage, forcing companies to examine thoroughly whether this tactic should be implemented or ignored. Let’s find out!

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5 Amazing Uses of People Counting

There’s a popular saying in the business community:

What gets measured, gets done.

It’s as true for stock performance as it is for an in-store promotion. It’s also one area where online retailers currently have an edge over their brick and mortar competitors. Online, it’s easy to track every step of a consumer’s shopping trip, from the landing page right through to the payment.

Can you replicate the sophisticated metrics used on the web to increase sales in the store? Absolutely! It all comes down to people counting.

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retail conversion

How to Get Customers to the Highest Converting Part of Your Store

Often neglected as shopkeepers look at the big picture for their brick and mortar stores, fitting rooms represent one of the biggest opportunities for retailers to increase retail conversions and drive up sales. The fitting room is where shoppers make their final buying decisions, a factor that makes it more important than ever for shop owners to take special care of how their fitting rooms are organized, cared for, and managed by associates.

It’s crucial to ensure that the fitting room experience is as convenient, comfortable, and exciting for shoppers as the rest of their shopping experience. However, before retailers can even begin to think about providing a quality fitting room experience, they must take into consideration what it takes to get customers into the highest converting part of the store.

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How to Increase Retail Apparel Conversion: Turning Shoppers Into Customers

It’s a familiar scene in any retail apparel store: A potential customer walks through the door or into a department, perhaps because a display item caught their eye, or maybe as a result of online research they completed before coming to the store. They look more closely at the item, check the price, and then start looking for their size. The sales associate approaches and asks, “Can I help you find anything?

This is just one of the many opportunities to encourage the try-on. At that moment, the sales associate will hear either “No thanks, I’m just looking.” or “Yes, do you have this shirt in a medium?” By getting them in the door you are ahead of the game; however, there are many more chances for that shopper to walk away empty-handed.

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But you already knew that, didn’t you? To drive sales, we need to answer these questions:

  • How can we convert that prospect from someone who is “just looking” into a paying customer?
  • What strategies do successful, top-tier retailers employ to keep prospects in the store until they make a final purchase decision?

In most cases, a relatively serious sales floor shopper will find their size and head for the fitting room to see how that medium-sized shirt fits them.

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