When you were planning the location for your apparel store, you probably did a lot of homework. You read the latest research on how to make the cashwrap more appealing, what kind of music should be played and at what volume, and what floor layout would work best to engage customers and drive sales.
When you were doing that research, did the fitting rooms come up at all?
For too long, the fitting rooms have been the most neglected area of many stores. Fitting rooms are often an afterthought in the back corner, a place that no one pays much attention to at all. That’s a shame because the fitting room is where the customer makes the final decision on an apparel purchase!
The next time you’re in the store, have a good look at your fitting rooms. Are you making any of the five most common fitting room mistakes? If you are, just remember – identifying problems is the first step towards fixing them!
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Read More »5 Fitting Room Mistakes You’d Better Not Make