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Can a Fitting Room System Really Boost the Bottom Line?

Increasing store revenues is a challenge you can approach from any number of perspectives.

How can you adjust operations to increase revenue? One answer is a targeted customer service process that supports the customer purchase journey.

But how can you prove that such a process has an impact on revenue? What metrics will actually show a link from the changes to increased revenues?

Data-enabled fitting room systems offer a solution. These systems leverage technology to make your store more adept at serving customers and meeting their needs. Fitting room systems can provide improved customer service as well as increased revenue.

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How Much Time Do Your Customers Spend in the Fitting Room? (& Why Should You Care?)

Wouldn’t it be great if your associates could take a peek into your fitting rooms?

The try-on is crucial to the buying decision, which is one reason fitting rooms are so important to retailers’ financial health. If associates could – at a glance – see which customers need service, they could provide support when most needed in the purchase process.

And yet, for obvious customer privacy reasons, there is usually no visibility in this area of the store (although call buttons can be pretty useful in providing customer service when necessary).

Fortunately, you can gather a number of critical data points without stirring up a privacy lawsuit. For starters, you can examine statistics, such as the average length of a fitting room visit.

Read More »How Much Time Do Your Customers Spend in the Fitting Room? (& Why Should You Care?)

Why Running Pilot Programs in (Only) Your Top Stores is a Huge Mistake

When you’re ready to try a new process or technology, how do you select your ‘test’ stores?

If you’re like many retailers we talk to, you’re focusing exclusively on testing pilot programs in a select group of probably top performing stores. Although this is a good place to start, there are definite downsides to this approach. Depending on the goals of your pilot project, these drawbacks can be significant.

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How Long Should You Run Your Pilot Programs?

When we talk with a retailer who is considering an Alert Tech pilot program, one of the questions that inevitably comes up is, “What is the recommended length of the program?”

Obviously, you want to wrap up the pilot program in a reasonable amount of time, and there needs to be an endpoint so that it’s clear when to make a decision on whether to move forward with a broader implementation. On the other hand, if you don’t give your pilot program enough time to run, how will you get data you can trust?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the right length for a pilot, but there is a number that will work for your brand.

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Why is the Fitting Room so Important in Retail Analytics?

Relatively speaking, the fitting room is one of the smallest areas of any retail store. These unobtrusive rooms are often tucked away in the back, and as a retailer, you could easily forget all about them. That is, until you understand the importance of this small-but-mighty area of the store.

For example, did you know that fitting rooms are key to increased sales and decreased returns? Let’s look at why the fitting room is crucial to retail performance.

[Tweet “The small-but-mighty fitting room is crucial to #retail performance.”] Read More »Why is the Fitting Room so Important in Retail Analytics?

5 Brilliant Ways to Use the Cloud on the Sales Floor

When it comes to retail success, the sales floor has always played a pivotal role. This hasn’t changed, but the sales floor itself has transformed dramatically since the rise of the digital age. Using new technologies, retailers can now use software to track data, and real-time analytics to maximize salesHere are 5 brilliant ways cloud-based systems create a more efficient sales floor.

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How Retail Associates Can Focus on Metrics and Win Big

How motivated and engaged are your associates? If a customer walks into a random store, what are the chances they will receive excellent customer service? Will they walk away having had a positive personal experience with your brand?

How do you begin to benchmark the quality of service, and what can you do to improve?

If you identify and focus on improving customer service metrics, you’ll improve not just your revenues, but the motivation and satisfaction of your associates. Here’s how both you and your store staff can win big.

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How to Improve Retail Performance with Powerful Data

Quick question – what’s the difference between your high-volume and low-volume stores?

If you can’t come up with a quick answer, you’re not alone. Granted, there are a lot of differences between stores that make it hard to quickly compare performance. Some stores are newer and others due for upgrades. And some are in locations with higher traffic than others. But these factors don’t tell the whole story, and they aren’t straightforward differentiators that you can quickly adjust to increase store revenues.

What’s missing?

Let’s take a look at some key metrics that you can use to not only analyze but also improve performance.

Read More »How to Improve Retail Performance with Powerful Data