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fitting room text alerts

How to Let Your Customers Keep Shopping While Waiting in Line

Even though your customers may be excited to try on a few pieces of clothing at your retail store, they will not hesitate to put their selected items back on the rack and head for the exit without making a purchase if your fitting room lines are too long.

It’s not always easy for retail companies to implement innovative technology into their customer service strategy, but in today’s world technology is being used by businesses of all types to improve the client experience, and with great results.

If you want to prevent your customers from leaving your store unhappy, you need to make it possible for them to browse the store while they wait for a fitting room to become available.

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ibeacon retail technology

5 Companies Using iBeacon Technology to Earn More Money

It’s only been two years since Apple unveiled its iBeacon Bluetooth transmitter technology at the 2013 Worldwide Developer’s Conference. However, a number of major companies and brands have already been using beacons to provide their customers with new and exciting location-based services.

So far, most customers and companies haven’t yet figured out how to embrace iBeacon on a wide scale. The technology presents a number of challenges, namely in that customers need to have Bluetooth enabled and have a brand’s app installed in order to receive promotional offers and other location-based services.

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