A Fitting Room Solution That Works
Recently, when I was speaking with a retailer about our fitting room solution, they said something along the lines of, “That’s not really something our… Read More »A Fitting Room Solution That Works
Recently, when I was speaking with a retailer about our fitting room solution, they said something along the lines of, “That’s not really something our… Read More »A Fitting Room Solution That Works
It’s good to be skeptical when reading about sales technology on the internet. For example, you may be wondering if there is any way to know if the push of a call button can affect sales. You may also wonder how we can measure the relationship between the presence of fitting room call buttons and increased sales.
As it turns out, there are many ways to measure the effectiveness of call buttons on the bottom line. Some are pretty sophisticated and require an upfront investment, but we’ll get to those in a little while. First, let’s have a look at ways to measure the “quick wins” that can come with the addition of this relatively straightforward technology to fitting rooms.
Read More »Will Customer Satisfaction Increase Significantly From Installing Call Buttons?
When they’re considering installing call buttons in fitting rooms, larger retailers often ask, “Do your call buttons know how many people went into the fitting rooms in the first place?” That’s a great question! After all, some retailers may never have considered the number of fitting room visits would be an important component of developing a sound retail sales strategy.
There are at least three excellent reasons why you need to keep detailed statistics about your fitting room usage.
Read More »3 Reasons Why You Need to Know How Many Shoppers Visit Your Fitting Rooms
It’s no secret that the fitting room is the single most important area of any successful retail apparel business. Customers can visit your website, follow you on social media platforms and browse your stores all day long, but unless they make routine visits to your fitting room to try on clothes, they will never contribute significantly to the revenue of your company.
Over the years our company has worked extremely hard to create technology that drives in-store traffic for retailers, gets customers off the sales floor and into the fitting room, tracks important fitting room metrics, and perhaps most importantly—improves the fitting room experience of each and every customer.
We’ve used various analytic tools to help retailers better manage the fitting room experience of their customers, but one of the most effective ways we’ve found is through the installation of fitting room call buttons.
Having serviced the retail apparel business for so many years, I’m fully convinced of the value of fitting room call buttons. In fact, I firmly believe every fitting room should have a call button.
If you have been holding back on adopting this crucial piece of the retail success puzzle, you can’t afford to wait any longer.
Read More »4 Reasons Fitting Room Call Buttons Can Boost Sales
There are a number of pieces of technology that Alert Tech provides. One of them is fitting room call buttons.
Sometimes when I am talking with a retailer about these call buttons, they say something along the lines of, “That might work for other retailers, but our customers wouldn’t use call buttons.”
So I’d like to set the record straight on the type of customer that uses a fitting room call button. In order to do so, I need to start with what goes on in the fitting room.
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Read More »What Kind of Customer Uses a Call Button?